DGCOS Podcast: Mastering Business Operations

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DGCOS Podcast: Mastering Business Operations

Running a business in the glazing industry is a challenging yet rewarding journey, filled with opportunities for growth and success. However, the path to success for many aspiring business owners may be a bit trickier than they first thought. Recognising the need for guidance and support within the sector, the new podcast series for installers ‘Beyond Tools: Navigating Business Success’ from DGCOS, created in partnership with the National Housing Improvement Council (NHIC), seeks to address these challenges.

The new series has been designed to provide valuable insights and advice to installers and entrepreneurs in the window and door sector and in this article, we focus on the Business Operations episode.

With NHIC’s Anna Scothern as host, guest speakers Thom Emerson from Ideal Window Solutions and Faisal Hussain, Chief Executive of DGCOS, address common themes and struggles that emerge when starting and running a business in the industry. Through discussions and insights, the podcast seeks to empower listeners with practical knowledge and strategies to overcome obstacles and help their businesses thrive.

Mental Health Awareness

One of the recurring themes discussed in the podcast is the importance of mental health awareness when running your own business. Starting and running a business can be incredibly stressful, often leading to anxiety and burnout. Addressing these issues early on and seeking help is crucial for maintaining overall wellbeing and achieving long-term success.

Thom Emerson encourages listeners to prioritise their mental health and provides strategies for managing stress and anxiety. “When someone drops all the plates is normally when they’ve been too scared to ask for help”. Thom also says: “It is about recognising and building the right team and having good support. Fostering a supportive community and promoting open communication about mental health aims to create a culture where individuals feel comfortable seeking help and support”.

Transitioning from Specialist to Business Owner

The podcast acknowledges that many individuals in the sector enter entrepreneurship as specialists in their fields, such as sales or marketing. However, transitioning from specialist to a business owner can be challenging, requiring individuals to acquire new skills and knowledge. All aspects of running a business are equally important but it’s often the case that none of us are experts in everything. From HR management to financial planning, the podcast provides practical advice and guidance of the schemes available for building a successful business from the ground up.

Faisal Hussain explores the challenges and opportunities associated with this transition and shares how DGCOS supports their installer members: “We provide them with for example, templates of cash flow, profit & loss, and can refer accountants and other professionals to support businesses”. Thom talks again here about the importance of team: “Bringing other specialists into your business can often be the key to success”.

Importance of Processes

Building on this, it is recognised that any business depends on efficient operating procedures too. However, many business owners need help developing and setting an effective plan that will support their goals. Thom points out the value of methods for business operations and offers suggestions for creating customised procedures that are suited to individual company requirements. Streamlining processes and boosting effectiveness allows business owners to increase output and produce better outcomes.

Strategic Planning and Management

This leads into a discussion around effective strategic planning and how it is essential for navigating the complexities of business ownership and achieving long-term success. The podcast provides insights into strategic planning and project management, offering practical advice for setting goals, managing resources, and overcoming challenges.

Employee Management and Diversity

Back to teams and Faisal and Thom discuss how creating an inclusive and diverse work environment is vital for employee satisfaction and business success but recognise it’s often a tricky area to navigate. Effectively managing teams and addressing issues related to diversity and inclusion is key so it is crucial to explore strategies for promoting inclusivity, equality, and diversity within the workplace. The discussion offers practical tips for fostering a positive and supportive work environment. By prioritising diversity and inclusion, business owners can build stronger teams that work together, driving business growth, building positive wellbeing and ultimately, successful business.

From conducting SWOT analyses to prioritising projects, Thom Emerson equips listeners with the tools and knowledge to make informed decisions and drive business growth.

The podcast does a great job of navigating the difficulties that come with business ownership. Running a business in the window sector requires a holistic strategy that includes inclusive leadership, effective processes, and mental health awareness.

The NHIC Business Operations podcast sponsored by DGCOS provides valuable insights and guidance for installers and entrepreneurs to overcome challenges and achieve their business goals.

Listen to the full episode here: https://nhic.org.uk/the-nhic-podcast-beyond-tools-navigating-business-success-series/

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