Double Glazing News

Collaboration for a stronger future

Collaboration for a stronger future

In this month’s column with GGP Magazine, Faisal Hussain, Chief Executive of the Double Glazing & Conservatory Ombudsman Scheme (DGCOS), talks about the role collaboration plays in creating a healthy and sustainable industry. At DGCOS we’ve recently recorded a series of podcasts with our Brand Ambassador George Clarke and DGCOS founding member Thom Emerson of Ideal Window Solutions. The discus…

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DGCOS podcast series: Ep 03 - Consumer Trends

DGCOS podcast series: Ep 03 - Consumer Trends

DGCOS has recently launched a new series of podcasts that discusses what’s currently happening in the window and door industry. As part of this series, Faisal Hussain, Chief Executive of DGCOS, is joined by George Clarke, architect, TV presenter and DGCOS Brand Ambassador, and Thom Emerson, Sales and Marketing Director of leading window and door supplier, Ideal Window Solutions. The episode dis…

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It’s time to step up our game when it comes to recruitment

It’s time to step up our game when it comes to recruitment

In this month’s column with GGP magazine, Faisal Hussain, Chief Executive of the Double Glazing & Conservatory Ombudsman Scheme (DGCOS), looks at how as a sector we need to address the skills shortage for the future by attracting, training, and retaining the best people. In my last column, I spoke about the importance of our industry opening up about mental health and the occupational stresses t…

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DGCOS podcast series: Ep 02 - Why DGCOS?

DGCOS podcast series: Ep 02 - Why DGCOS?

DGCOS has recently launched a new series of podcasts that discusses what’s currently happening in the window and door industry. As part of this series, Faisal Hussain, Chief Executive of DGCOS, is joined by George Clarke, architect, TV presenter and DGCOS Brand Ambassador, and Mike McGougan, Head of Membership for consumer protection organisation DGCOS, to talk about how installers can benefit f…

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